Rate per word and lead-time flexibility
We use the tools available to us to optimise cost and lead-times
Our prices are calculated on the basis of the number of words in the source document and differ depending on the source and target languages. For some languages, it may make more sense to translate from English. The systematic use of translation memories enables us to considerably cut costs.
We will analyse your project in order to calculate cost and lead-times. We will take into account the volume of text included in the translation memory (if you have already worked with us) and the number of repetitions in the document. We will also determine the number of engineering and graphic design hours necessary to complete your project successfully.
Our estimates rely on work performed by a single translator in order to guarantee linguistic consistency. However, if the translation is urgent, we will make arrangements for several people to share the job. If it involves large documents, it is understood that the work will be distributed among several translators in order to meet satisfactory deadlines.
Translators are also selected based on content type. By default, we will always use the same translator for a given customer. In the event that we have to call on a different translator, e.g., for a rush job, we will systematically inform the customer.
Automatic translation and post-editing
You can take cost and deadline efficiency one step further by opting for a combination of machine translation and post-editing, which will lower prices, depending on the level of post-editing you go for, and cut down turnaround times for urgent jobs.
Together we will study the best solution according to your needs, the type of text to be translated and the requested languages. Translations are always proofread by native speakers.